Handyman robots in companies are already a reality in the United Kingdom

A grocery store in the UK has developed a robot to help its maintenance workers. This is a tremendous advance in the field of artificial intelligence and in the use of robots in companies.

Artificial intelligence is known as that exhibited by machines, a computer program designed to carry out certain operations that are considered typical of human capacity. This has advanced by giant steps in recent years, giving rise to the coexistence of robots and humans in various work environments.



ARMAR-6 could be one of the most advanced helper robots to date. It could usher in a greater emergence of robots in companies in manual work areas. The official Ocado employee website is Miocado, using the employee id and password.

You can respond to simple voice commands in a useful way with great intelligence and responsiveness. As an example, if you are asked for a key, ask which one before giving it.

One spokesperson for the project claims that in simple experiments you can predict what someone else is doing and respond proactively. That is, following the previous example, the robot is already learning to give the key before it is asked.

ARMAR-6 is being used by a UK grocery store, called Ocado. It led a seven million euro project, called SecondHans, with the aim of developing underlying technology. Its use is an unmistakable sign of how quickly automation is moving into new areas of work.

Thefts in companies are already taking on increasingly complex tasks. The UK government is studying its use in the face of Brexit-induced labor shortages.

According to a report by the International Federation of Robotics, the number of robots installed in the world is expected to increase from 1,828,000 in 2016 to 3,053,000 in 2020. This represents an increase of 67.01% in just 4 years.


Although fear is usually quite common, the truth is that most research produces fairly reassuring statistics: machines will not steal jobs from humans, at least not without offering new possibilities for more specialized work. Refer to our detailed instructions on how to access the Miocado Employee login page with the employee id and password.


It is the main conclusion drawn from the “Qualitative study of the perception of industrial robotics in Spain”, carried out by the Adecco Human Resources company and the Cuatrecasas Institute of Legal Strategy in HR. This is what 75% of those consulted believe.

In this sense, the General Secretary of the Adecco Group, Santiago Soler, declared that “the development and implementation of robotics in companies will help us to become better professionals, providing us with tools that will allow us to go where we have never been before.

And, no matter how much technology advances, people will always be necessary to put into practice everything they have learned, to give each position a certain emotional component, and to make the societies in which they are integrated better.

In short, the human factor will continue to be essential for the operation of companies, as it is an irreplaceable value ”.

According to the study, 60% believe that new jobs will be created, which will compensate for the possible loss of others. Only the remaining 30% think that the development of robotics will make more jobs disappear than can be created.

Although there is no unanimity on this aspect, there is a certain homogeneity of opinion (94%) when stating that new forms of work will be created (coexistence of robots and humans, different organization systems) with the implementation of robotics in companies, although 52% believe that it will take place only partially.

Estimation of jobs created and destroyed by the automotive industry.


There is no doubt that robotics has already entered our lives and is altering our day to day, both personally and professionally. Robots are changing the rules of the traditional labor market at a dizzying rate, but to what extent can this trend impact the work environment?

Those surveyed in the study do not consider that the impact will be immediate. Only 6% of professionals believe that all these changes will take place in a short period of time.

The vast majority, 78%, believe that it will occur in the medium and long term. But the most striking fact of the study is that 9% believe that the greatest impacts derived from robotics in companies have already occurred and that we live with them on a daily basis.

Impact of robotics on the company

88% of HR professionals believe that robotics will have a high or very high impact on the job market in the coming years. 93% say that the working staff is not prepared for the integration of robots, for which most companies consider that coexistence will be problematic.

For companies, the perception is different. They believe that the effects of the implantation of robots will be positive. 50% believe that they will provide greater agility, 21% that they will promote innovation and the development of new products and services, and 14% that they will reduce the number of errors.

The problem of coexistence is a reality in the opinion of the experts. 55% are concerned about the resistance of employees to technological advancement. That is why 87% of those surveyed bet on regulation to manage advances in robotics.

According to this study, 62% of experts believe that the greatest impact of this technology will be experienced by the industrial and manufacturing sectors, far from the 16% who opted for a greater incidence in the logistics and transport sector, as well as in services (also 16%).

According to experts, the effects it may have on the rest of the sectors will be minimal, since only 6% have indicated any other area than those mentioned above.

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